Properly Dispose of Your Real Christmas Tree This January

The Christmas season is winding down, and it’s time for the annual “what do we do with the Christmas tree?” discussion. While you could throw it to the curb to be collected, there are several more sustainable options for you to consider.

The first option is to take it to a composting site. Check with your local composting sites to confirm if they accommodate Christmas trees, and if they do, drive it there to be properly disposed of! Composting centers will know how to most efficiently break down the wood and its parts, rather than a dumpster site that will likely just pile it amongst the other holiday waste produced. Composting will also turn the tree into nutritious soil for other planting endeavors.

Secondly, you could turn it into wood chips for sustainable landscaping. This does require extra equipment, but if you are in need of more mulch for your front yard, look no farther than your tree. The wood chips made from your Christmas tree will also naturally break down in your yard, enriching the soil with the nutrients it contains. If you have a wood chipper available, consider this option as an eco-friendly way to reuse your tree year round.

Another option is to peplant it if it still has the roots. Most Christmas trees are sold pre-cut or in a way that lets you cut it yourself, but in the case that it was sold to you with the roots still attached, there are ways to replant it. Confer with a botanist or plant nursery on the best way to do this, or if there is a place that replants trees.

Lastly, an option you have is to take off the branches and make a wood pile, both as a habitat for animals and insects and for firewood. The dry needles and branches will be quick and easy firewood for your or your neighbors. Creating a pile will also create a small living area for small animals such as chipmunks, and insects and arachnids like beetles and spiders.

All in all, consider alternative options to simply throwing away your real Christmas tree at the end of the holiday season. Though this is only the start of a long list of ways to sustainably dispose of your tree, it is a great starting point as you clean up for the New Year!


This is improper Christmas tree disposal

Photo by Simon Berger from Pexels

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