How to Convince Your Boss to Rent a Dumpster

Wherever you work, it’s likely that you have one or more unsightly back rooms, filled with disused and broken furniture, discarded ends of carpets, and unfinished items that no longer have a home.

Or maybe it’s a couple of spots in the back parking lot that seem to accumulate junk from various projects, product launches, or other events. Junk that doesn’t seem to go away on its own. And, did someone from the neighborhood just add a lawnmower?

Perhaps your boss just needs a friendly nudge.

Let him know about Big Daddy Dumpster, and how good it feels to clean a space once and for all and return it to active use.

Tell your boss about Big Daddy Dumpster

We know how it is. Your boss doesn’t accept suggestions. He has to come up with the ideas himself. It’s okay, you know your valuable role, and you know that deep down inside he knows your value as well.

So how can we “help” him “come up with the idea himself”?

Here are some ideas:

  • Print out a Big Daddy Dumpster flier and add it to her mail. Helpfully write the description of the offending space in red sharpie. Like, “Perfect for the second floor closet!!!” Hopefully she will quickly adopt the idea and make it her own.
  • Drop it into conversation. “What was that you were saying about Big Daddy Dumpster last week, and that mess in the parking lot?” If he claims the idea, GREAT! You’ve already won. But if he denies it, you can add this, “Huh, it was such a smart idea. I swear that was you.” But don’t linger too long, or your pitch will seem too obvious. Instead, casually move on to the next topic, cicadas!
  • Add “Call Big Daddy Dumpster” to the calendar. When she asks, tell your boss, “I wonder how that got there. It doesn’t look like my handwriting. Do you think it was something to do with the meeting room and all those broken chairs?”

Look, running the company is hard. Letting your boss think she’s doing all the work is even harder.

Take these proactive steps today to help move certain projects forward, and clean up the spaces that make your life less pleasant.

Your boss will be proud of himself, and you will have new space in which to expand your empire.

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