Why Rent a Dumpster?

You have seen the ads. A company promises to bring a huge dumpster and place it in front of your property for some amount of time. The plan is that you will easily haul away trash from a major project.


“Why would I do that?” you asked yourself. “That’s got to hurt my curb value.”


Perhaps you’ve wondered if making phone calls and paying for the delivery is worth it at all.


But let’s look at the alternatives.


Are There Alternatives to a Dumpster?


You could get a dumpster, but why? You could just purchase several boxes of large garbage bags.


Let’s walk through this process.


You fill one bag, then another. You still have to move it someplace. If you’re doing it the day before trash day, great! You can just haul it to the curb. However, many municipalities Have limits on how much trash they will pick up at an individual household.


Now you have become a small business manager, determining how much trash to put out … and where to store the rest of it for the next week.


Most of us store our trash in the back or side of the house.  So now you are in the business of moving your trash twice.


Ordering a dumpster puts YOU in charge of the schedule.


Garbage Bags are Not the Answer


Besides for many types of garbage, bags aren’t the answer. Table parts, furniture legs, lumber, and more all require separate handling.


The easiest way to handle this is the heart directly outside as you’re taking it apart and heave it in the dumpster.  You don’t have to disassemble anything. Just throw and go.


This can save countless hours fussing and struggling to break down pre-built furniture.


Additionally, with heavy items like old paint or wet and moldy drywall, you will use up dozens of bags and getting it all out to the curb. With a dumpster you can fill and dump buckets or other more solid containers. This makes it less likely that you will rip a bag and have to re-bag it, or that you will get a cut from sharp edges or screws and nails.



So renting a large dumpster from Big Daddy Dumpsters can save you time, energy, and money, and maybe keep you safer from cuts and scrapes.


The only real question is, why haven’t you called to schedule yours yet? Our friendly operators are standing by to take your call and schedule your dumpster today.

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